
Ream has a file-system based router which supports Vue-powered pages and server routes.


In Ream, pages are Vue Components exported from .js, .ts or .vue files in the routes directory. Each page is associated with a route based on its file name.

Example: If you create routes/about.vue that exports a Vue component like below, it will be accessible at /about.


Dynamic Routing

Defining routes by using predefined paths is not always enough for complex applications. In Ream you can add brackets to a page ([param]) to create a dynamic route (a.k.a. url slugs, pretty urls, and others).

Consider the following page routes/post/[pid].vue:

  <p>Post: {{ $ }}</p>

Any route like /post/1, /post/abc, etc. will be matched by routes/post/[pid].vue. The matched value will be sent as a route parameter to the page.

For example, the route /post/abc will have the following params object:

{ "pid": "abc" }

Multiple dynamic route segments work the same way. The page routes/post/[pid]/[comment].vue will match the route /post/abc/a-comment and its parameters will be:

{ "pid": "abc", "comment": "a-comment" }

Catch all Routes

Dynamic routes can be extended to catch all paths by adding three dots (...) inside the brackets. For example:

  • pages/post/[...slug].vue matches /post/a, but also /post/a/b, /post/a/b/c and so on.

Matched parameters will be sent as a route parameter (slug in the example) to the page, and it will always be a string, so, the path /post/a/b/c will have the following params object:

{ "slug": "a/b/c" }